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nuts about you

Devonte and Caroline

Friends for over 15 years, Devonte Woods and Caroline Ryskiewich have a lot in common: their involvement at Reality Ministries, their love of the UNC Tarheels, and — most importantly — their passion for making delicious candied nuts!


One Saturday in 2023, Devonte and Caroline met for one of their regular lunch dates (always Chipotle or Chick-fil-A) and left an hour later with a business idea: what if they could start a company to sell the candied nuts that Devonte was famous for making at The Reality Cafe?! 


"Nuts About You" is soft-launching with a limited first batch for the first 20 customers to complete the online order form. This test run is for LOCAL PICKUP ONLY. Pickup will be Sunday, January 9th between 2:00 and 4:00pm.  (In the future we hope to offer more flexible pickup dates/times as well as regional delivery and nationwide shipping.)


Place your order  HERE


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